
A Step Towards Energy Permitting Reform - Amogy

Written by Allison Agre | May 12, 2023 4:00:00 PM

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) recently introduced a game-changing piece of legislation known as the Building American Energy Security Act of 2023. If passed, this bill would revolutionize America’s energy landscape by making it easier to get permits for energy projects. With Senator Manchin’s reputation as a negotiator who often balances competing proposals between Democrats and Republicans, the introduction of this bill is a strong indication that meaningful reform could happen this year.

At Amogy, we’re all about finding cleaner, more sustainable ways to power our world. We strongly support this bipartisan proposal to reform the permitting process, which we believe balances economic growth, environmental sustainability, and energy security. This is crucial for the future of our industry and the well-being of the planet, and we are committed to doing our part to make this vision a reality.

Let’s dive into some of the key provisions in this bill and explore their potential impact on the energy sector:

> Non-Mandatory Review Timelines: Fueling Efficiency, Boosting Certainty
The Building American Energy Security Act sets timelines for reviewing the environmental impact of energy projects. The goal is to finish reviews within two years, which will make it faster to get permits for energy projects. The bill also makes sure that construction can start within 180 days after the review is done, which will help energy infrastructure grow more quickly.

> 150 Day Statute of Limitations for Court Challenges: Swift Resolutions for Progress
To avoid delays from prolonged legal battles, the legislation sets a time limit of 150 days for court challenges, which encourages timely resolutions. By making it easier to resolve disputes, the bill aims to make it easier for energy projects to move forward and avoid unnecessary problems.

> FERC Authority and Transmission Acceleration: Empowering Renewable Energy
The Building American Energy Security Act gives the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) expanded authority over interstate hydrogen pipelines, which brings much-needed clarity to the hydrogen industry. The bill also speeds up the process for getting permits for projects that move renewable energy between states. By making sure the cost of projects is fair and aligns with the benefits they bring, the FERC will be able to ensure the energy we use in the future is better for the environment.

To summarize, Senator Manchin’s Building American Energy Security Act of 2023 presents a compelling vision for energy permitting reform. By making it easier to get permits for energy projects, this bill has the potential to contribute to a more inclusive and resilient energy sector while also improving energy security. Amogy’s External Affairs team will be actively engaged as this legislation progresses through the Senate, advocating for our company’s position and the interests of the broader renewable energy industry.

The future of America’s energy landscape hinges on finding common ground and leveraging innovative solutions. By embracing collaborative approaches and harnessing clean energy technologies, the nation can achieve a greener, more secure, and more prosperous future with Amogy’s innovative technology leading the way.